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Early Life And Allegiances

Former Death Eater Igor Karkaroff: Headmaster of Durmstrang Institute

Early Life and Allegiances

First Wizarding War

During the First Wizarding War, Igor Karkaroff aligned himself with Lord Voldemort and became a Death Eater. However, after Voldemort's downfall, Karkaroff betrayed his fellow Death Eaters and provided information to the Wizengamot, the wizarding court.

Karkaroff's betrayal earned him the disdain of the remaining Death Eaters, who viewed him as a traitor. Despite his cooperation, he was imprisoned in Azkaban for his crimes. After his release, Karkaroff became the headmaster of Durmstrang Institute, a wizarding school in Bulgaria.

Arrival at Hogwarts

Triwizard Tournament

In 1994, Karkaroff traveled to Hogwarts as the headmaster of Durmstrang for the Triwizard Tournament. During the tournament, he displayed a cold and aloof demeanor, often clashing with Hogwarts' Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore.

Karkaroff's tenure at Hogwarts was marked by suspicion and hostility. He distrusted Harry Potter, believing he was a potential threat to Voldemort's return. Karkaroff also showed prejudice against Muggle-borns and clashed with Rubeus Hagrid, the Hogwarts gamekeeper.

Aftermath and Legacy


Following Voldemort's return in 1995, Karkaroff fled Hogwarts and rejoined the Death Eaters. He participated in the Battle of the Department of Mysteries but was killed by Severus Snape.

Igor Karkaroff remains a controversial figure in the wizarding world. His betrayal of Voldemort earned him the hatred of the Death Eaters, while his prejudice against certain wizarding groups has tainted his legacy. Despite his flaws, Karkaroff's role as headmaster of Durmstrang and his involvement in the Triwizard Tournament have made him a memorable character in the Harry Potter series.
